Lost in combat? Artifacts from the Bronze Age

Recent archaeological investigations in the Tollense Valley led by the University of Göttingen, the State Agency for Cultural Heritage in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the University of Greifswald have unearthed a collection ...

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior III takes shape

In a vast hangar in a north German shipyard, environmental pressure group Greenpeace's latest weapon is nearing completion: the state-of-the-art Rainbow Warrior III.

Cyber-terrorism a real and growing threat: FBI

Terrorists, crooks and nation states are ramping up cyber-assaults that are eating away at data, cash and security in the United States, the head of the FBI warned.

Greenpeace launches Rainbow Warrior III

Greenpeace launched its latest weapon in the fight against environmental destruction Friday -- a multi-million-euro purpose-built campaign ship named Rainbow Warrior III.

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