Pentagon forming cyber teams to prevent attacks (Update 2)

The Defense Department is establishing a series of cyber teams charged with carrying out offensive operations to combat the threat of an electronic assault on the United States that could cause major damage and disruption ...

'Civilian cyber-warriors' not driven by patriotism

People who commit cyber-attacks against the government also tend to download music illegally and participate in physical protests. Surprisingly, however, they don't appear to be acting out of some sense of national pride ...

Greenpeace launches Rainbow Warrior III

Greenpeace launched its latest weapon in the fight against environmental destruction Friday -- a multi-million-euro purpose-built campaign ship named Rainbow Warrior III.

Warrior web to prevent injury, reduce effects of load

Today’s dismounted warfighters often carry 100 pounds or more of equipment as they patrol for hours across rugged or hilly terrain. This heavy load increases the risk of musculoskeletal injury, particularly on vulnerable ...

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