Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior III debuts

Greenpeace unveiled a new weapon in its campaign against environmental destruction on Monday -- a 23 million euro ($33.4 million) ship dubbed the Rainbow Warrior III.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior III takes shape

In a vast hangar in a north German shipyard, environmental pressure group Greenpeace's latest weapon is nearing completion: the state-of-the-art Rainbow Warrior III.

Cyber-terrorism a real and growing threat: FBI

Terrorists, crooks and nation states are ramping up cyber-assaults that are eating away at data, cash and security in the United States, the head of the FBI warned.

Cyber warriors gather as online battles rage

US national security leaders and top cyber warriors from around the world are gathering here to plot defenses against criminals and spies that increasingly plague the Internet.

Afghan warfare gets wired in quest to spare lives

(AP) -- Sgt. 1st Class Gregory Henson goes out on patrol with a computer on his back and a joystick in his holster. He also carries a rifle, but the military is hoping he'll soon have less need for it.

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