Strategic city planning can help reduce urban heat island effect

The tendency of cities to trap heat—a phenomenon called the "urban heat island," often referred to as the UHI effect—can lead to dangerous temperatures in the summer months, but new Penn State research published in Buildings ...

Arctic's peak ice cover has shrunk by an area larger than Egypt

Sea ice covered 5.64 million square miles of the Arctic Ocean at the ice's peak extent this year in early March. That's almost 400,000 square miles less than the median coverage level at other March peaks between 1981 and ...

Earth from Space: Santiago, Chile

Santiago lies in the center of Chile's most densely populated region, the Santiago Metropolitan Region, with a population around eight million, of which five million live in the city's urban area. Santiago is spread over ...

Why Europe is so vulnerable to heat waves

This year saw high-temperature records shattered across much of Europe, as crops withered in the fields due to widespread drought. Is this a harbinger of things to come as the Earth's climate steadily warms up?

Study: Heat wave led to unprecedented melt of Swiss glaciers

Switzerland's glaciers are melting like never before, an academic study released Wednesday found, with their ice volume declining by 6% this year amid rising concerns about global warming and a summer heat wave that swept ...

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