Wild wallabies roam villages west of Paris

A tiny French village in Paris's leafy western suburbs is ringed by scores of wild wallabies, who now thrive in a nearby forest a world away from their native Australia.

Artificial light found to negatively impact wallabies

(Phys.org)—A team of researchers from Australia and Germany has found that at least one species of mammal is negatively impacted by artificial lighting. In their paper published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the ...

Marsupial moms express placental genes in milk

Modern mothers, whether they be human or mouse, might be forgiven for envying marsupial mamas. Rather than enduring a long pregnancy and the birth of a relatively well-developed—and comparatively large—baby, kangaroos, ...

Tammar wallaby’s clever immune tricks revealed

(PhysOrg.com) -- Until now, it was a mystery why many marsupials have two thymuses—key organs in the immune system—instead of the one typical of other mammals. Now postdoctoral researcher Dr. Emily Wong from the ...

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