How rising household debt could slow UK labor strikes this year

After decades of declining real wages and deteriorating working conditions, strike activity has spiked over the last year, particularly in the United Kingdom. From nurses and teachers to railway and postal workers, employees ...

May Day: How electricity brought power to strikes

Areas in Sweden with early access to electricity at the start of the 1900s underwent rapid change. Electrification led to more strikes, but it was not those who were threatened by the new technology who protested. Instead, ...

Job satisfaction not a persistent effect of wage increases

After a wage increase, people tend to be more satisfied with their jobs—and even more so when what they have gained exceeds the wage increases of their colleagues. Yet, this effect on job satisfaction is not persistent. ...

Researcher develops living wage calculator

With income inequality emerging as an issue in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections, you may well begin to see references to MIT's Living Wage Calculator (LWC). This online spreadsheet lets anyone calculate a wage required ...

'Energy poverty' a growing problem

( -- Low-income households in Australia are increasingly at risk of "energy poverty", a situation in which a household must spend more than 10 percent of its disposable income on energy bills, according to a paper ...

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