Mystery mass deaths of green turtles in Australia

Scientists were at a loss Friday to explain the mysterious deaths of more than 70 green turtles that have washed up on beaches in northeast Australia over the last week.

Invasive plant protects Australian lizards from invasive toad

An invasive plant may have saved an iconic Australian lizard species from death at the hands of toxic cane toads, according to research published in the March issue of The American Naturalist. It's an interesting case of ...

How living with predators could help native species survive

When we release a group of endangered animals into the wild, we always hope they will survive. They usually don't. We find bilby carcasses under bushes, bettongs ripped apart by feral cats, and tufts of rock wallaby fur in ...

Conservation body agrees to protect silky sharks

(AP) -- Delegates at an international conservation meeting agreed Saturday on a measure mandating that silky sharks accidentally caught in fishing gear be released back into the sea alive, marine advocacy groups said.

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