Ocean warming threatens richest marine biodiversity

An international team of scientists led by researchers from the University of Adelaide has revealed that rates of future warming threaten marine life in more than 70% of the most biodiverse-rich areas of Earth's oceans.

Fin whale songs shed light on migration patterns

A Curtin University-led research team has uncovered valuable information on the migration patterns of the fin whale, as well as where they breed and feed, which will help aid in the monitoring and protection of the species.

Saving native turtles one hatchling at a time

Murdoch University researchers have welcomed a baby turtle into the world this week as part of an important incubation research project aiming to save the iconic Southwestern snake-necked turtles at Bibra Lake from dwindling ...

How living with predators could help native species survive

When we release a group of endangered animals into the wild, we always hope they will survive. They usually don't. We find bilby carcasses under bushes, bettongs ripped apart by feral cats, and tufts of rock wallaby fur in ...

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