Can Geckos get going?

( —New research from Macquarie University suggests that arid zone reptiles could struggle to find suitable homes as a result of human induced climate change.

Acacia trees crucial to Israel's desert bats, study finds

Greater conservation of threatened acacia trees is needed to preserve vulnerable species of rare insectivorous bats in Israel, according to new research by biologists at the University of Bristol. Dense areas of flourishing ...

Protecting native birds by manipulating rats' sense of smell

(—Rats' keen sense of smell can be exploited to dramatically reduce their attacks on native birds, researchers from the University of Sydney have shown. The technique could be adapted to protect vulnerable species ...

Mystery mass deaths of green turtles in Australia

Scientists were at a loss Friday to explain the mysterious deaths of more than 70 green turtles that have washed up on beaches in northeast Australia over the last week.

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