Australian state lists koala as 'vulnerable'

Australia's Queensland state will list the koala as a "vulnerable species" throughout the northeastern region, saying urban expansion, car accidents and dog attacks were threatening the much-loved furry animal.

Baited video cameras help detect deep sea fish

Using baited longlines in conjunction with baited remote underwater video systems (BRUVs) has improved the way in which deep water fish stocks are monitored for conservation purposes.

Stirling Range flora nears extinction

The soil-borne water mould Phytophthora cinnamomi (dieback) has rendered unique vegetation on the peaks of the Stirling Ranges in the Great Southern to the point of being critically endangered.

EU extends ban on deep-sea shark fishing

EU nations on Monday extended their ban on deep-sea shark fishing for the European fleet for at least another two years, with only Spain and Portugal voting against.

Biological sciences professor publishes pupfish research

Craig Stockwell, professor of biological sciences, has co-written a research article that evaluates the history of the Devil's Hole pupfish, which rapidly evolved following its isolation. The article published Sept. 17 in ...

Pakistan releases smuggled turtles into the wild

Pakistani officials and environmentalists on Monday released some 200 rare turtles into the River Indus after the reptiles were retrieved from a southwestern Chinese town where they were seized by customs officials.

Help at hand to relocate threatened species

Australian and New Zealand scientists Thursday said they have devised the "first rigorous framework" on deciding whether to relocate endangered animals threatened with extinction by climate change.

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