Four ways to defend democracy and protect every voter's ballot

As voters prepare to cast their ballots in the November midterm elections, it's clear that U.S. voting is under electronic attack. Russian government hackers probed some states' computer systems in the runup to the 2016 presidential ...

Study shows voting does not reduce crime

A new study casts doubt on a promising application of the timeworn theory—posited by thinkers such as Rousseau, Alexander de Tocqueville, and John Stuart Mill—that political engagement, such as voting, fosters good citizens ...

'Russian hackers' attack two US voter databases

Russian-based hackers may have been responsible for two recent attempts to breach US voter registration databases in two states, raising fears Moscow is trying to undermine November's presidential election, US media said ...

Hackers disrupt Tunisia voter registration

Hackers briefly disrupted the online voter registration process for Tunisia's parliamentary and presidential polls later this year, the electoral commission said on Thursday.

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