Explosive volcanoes light up Mercury's deep past

Mercury has long been a mystery to scientists. Until recently, knowledge of the planet was limited to the grey, patchy landscape revealed by the Mariner 10 probe, NASA's first mission to Mercury in the mid-1970s.

Insight into marine life's ability to adapt to climate change

A study into marine life around an underwater volcanic vent in the Mediterranean, might hold the key to understanding how some species will be able to survive in increasingly acidic sea water should anthropogenic climate ...

Origins of 'The Hoff' crab revealed (w/ Video)

The history of a new type of crab, nicknamed 'The Hoff' because of its hairy chest, which lives around hydrothermal vents deep beneath the Southern Ocean and Indian Ocean, has been revealed for the first time.

Researchers examine how ore deposits are formed

(Phys.org)—New computer simulations by geologists from ETH Zurich demonstrate how large copper and gold deposits are formed. The enrichment process of these metals follows physical principles that are similar to the extraction ...

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