Portable mass spectrometer allows on-site gas analysis

Analyses of environmental gases which previously required months of laboratory work can now be carried out rapidly in the field. A group of Eawag scientists have developed a portable mass spectrometer allowing on-site measurements ...

Image: Eruption of Wolf Volcano, Galapagos Islands

In late May 2015, the highest volcano in the Galapagos Islands erupted for the first time in 33 years. The explosive eruption at Wolf volcano on Isabela Island sent volcanic gases and ash roughly 15 kilometers (50,000 feet) ...

In a melting Iceland, drilling deep to stem climate change

Tiny Iceland is a prime exemplar of the complexities wrought by warming climate. It is 11 percent covered by ice, but it is basically also one very large, very active volcanic system. The island has seen fast-increasing temperatures ...

And now, the volcano forecast

Scientists are using volcanic gases to understand how volcanoes work, and as the basis of a hazard-warning forecast system.

Pacific Northwest shows warming trend over past century-plus

The annual mean temperature in the Pacific Northwest has warmed by about 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit since the early 20th century – a gradual warming trend that has been accelerating over the past 3-4 decades and is attributed ...

The case for climate models

In the absence of time-travelling climatologists, models are unrivalled tools for understanding future climate, even when news ones predict wider uncertainties, write Sophie Lewis and Sarah Perkins.

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