Volcanic gases could deplete ozone layer: research

Giant volcanic eruptions in Nicaragua over the past 70,000 years could have injected enough gases into the atmosphere to temporarily thin the ozone layer, according to new research. And, if it happened today, a similar explosive ...

3D-Model mimics volcanic explosions

(PhysOrg.com) -- A 3-D model of a volcanic explosion, based on the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington state, may enhance our understanding of how some volcanic explosions occur and help identify of blast zones ...

Volcanoes have shifted Asian rainfall

Scientists have long known that large volcanic explosions can affect the weather by spewing particles that block solar energy and cool the air. Some suspect that extended "volcanic winters" from gigantic blowups helped kill ...

The geologic secrets of Lake Mead

As the climate crisis continues to affect the American West, sunken boats and human remains aren't the only surprises to be revealed by record-low water levels at Lake Mead. Sedimentary rocks that hadn't been seen since the ...

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