Monitoring 'frothy' magma gases could help evade disaster

Volcanic eruptions are dangerous and difficult to predict. A team at the University of Tokyo has found that the ratio of atoms in specific gases released from volcanic fumaroles (gaps in the Earth's surface) can provide an ...

Magma on Mars likely, study finds

Since 2018, when the NASA InSight Mission deployed the SEIS seismometer on the surface of Mars, seismologists and geophysicists at ETH Zurich have been listening to the seismic pings of more than 1,300 marsquakes. Again and ...

The geologic secrets of Lake Mead

As the climate crisis continues to affect the American West, sunken boats and human remains aren't the only surprises to be revealed by record-low water levels at Lake Mead. Sedimentary rocks that hadn't been seen since the ...

Earth-like exoplanets unlikely to be another 'pale blue dot'

When searching for Earth-like worlds around other stars, instead of looking for the "pale blue dot" described by Carl Sagan, new research suggests that a hunt for dry, cold "pale yellow dots" might have a better chance of ...

Examining what killed the dinosaurs in depth

Determining what killed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period has long been the topic of debate, as scientists set out to determine what caused the five mass extinction events that reshaped ...

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