Fracking likely to result in high emissions

Natural gas releases fewer harmful air pollutants and greenhouse gases than other fossil fuels. That's why it is often seen as a bridge technology to a low-carbon future. A new study by the Institute for Advanced Sustainability ...

A fundamental shortcoming in air pollution models

Researchers from the University of Copenhagen have discovered a surprising phenomenon in a process by which certain gas molecules produce harmful particles. The impact of this phenomenon is likely to increase in urban areas ...

NASA's compact infrared cameras enable new science

A new, higher-resolution infrared camera outfitted with a variety of lightweight filters could probe sunlight reflected off Earth's upper atmosphere and surface, improve forest fire warnings, and reveal the molecular composition ...

Great potential in regulating plant greenhouse gas emissions

You cannot see them with the naked eye, but most plants emit volatile gases—isoprenoids—into the atmosphere when they breathe and grow. Some plants emit close to nothing; others emit kilograms annually.

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