Review: Despite flaws, voice search has potential

I never thought I'd be telling my phone what to do. But I often find myself talking to various digital assistants—Siri on the iPhone and Google Now on Android devices—to request driving directions, restaurant recommendations ...

Tech firms aim to wear the future

A wristwatch that reads your text messages out loud, a jacket that heats up when you're cold, eyeglasses that display directions as you walk down the street.

Wickr app aims to safeguard online privacy

Wickr co-founder Nico Sell is working toward "geek utopia," a world where people hold the power when it comes to who sees what they share on the Internet or from their phones.

Knobbly knees in competition with fingerprints

Forget digital fingerprints, iris recognition and voice identification, the next big thing in biometrics could be your knobbly knees. Just as a fingerprints and other body parts are unique to us as individuals and so can ...

New system helps deafblind people to communicate

A team of researchers from the Alcoy campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València, together with the companies Innovatec and Indra, has designed a new device to help deafblind people to communicate and surf the Internet. ...

Intel's Perceptual Computing marks neo-desktop era

(—Intel wants you to know that voice, face and gesture control will become a familiar feature in computers. The time for a new kind of notebook world is now, for Intel, and computing facets including touch, voice, ...

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