MH370 report: Underwater locator beacon battery had expired

The first comprehensive report into the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 revealed Sunday that the battery of the locator beacon for the plane's data recorder had expired more than a year before the jet vanished ...

It's not just your TV listening in to your conversation

Be careful what you say in front of your new television, following reports that Samsung's new Smart TVs are now being programmed to listen to every word you say and send it over the internet to a third party cloud service.

Got charisma? Look for it in your voice

Considering a run for political office? How you sound may be just as important as what you say in terms of projecting yourself as a dynamic leader.

Out with the keyboard as talk takes over typing

With the recent acquisition by Facebook of voice-recognition company, all four major players in the post-PC market (Apple, Google, Microsoft and Facebook) now have a significant infrastructure for hands-free communication ...

Hawking's speech software goes open source for disabled

The system that helps Stephen Hawking communicate with the outside world will be made available online from January in a move that could help millions of motor neurone disease sufferers, scientists said Tuesday.

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