Alexa, can I do my holiday shopping through you?

It was a few weeks before Christmas and time to put my voice assistant to the test: Could I just shout out the gifts I needed to buy without having to get on a smartphone or computer?

Disorders of the voice can affect a politician's success

The acoustics of a political speech delivery are known to be a powerful influencer of voter preferences, perhaps giving some credence to the saying, "It's not what you say, but how you say it." Vocal disorders change the ...

Voice impersonators can fool speaker recognition systems

Skilful voice impersonators are able to fool state-of-the-art speaker recognition systems, as these systems generally aren't efficient in recognising voice modifications, according to new research from the University of Eastern ...

Wearables to boost security of voice-based log-in

A security-token necklace, ear buds or eyeglasses developed at the University of Michigan could eliminate vulnerabilities in voice authentication—the practice of logging in to a device or service with your voice alone.

Gadgets: Smart sweeper maps territory to clean

Once you prepare your house for vacuuming, the only thing left to do to clean your floors and carpet is to press a button. From there, the Deebot R95 robotic vacuum cleaner takes over and does the work.

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