Related topics: vitamin d

Nissan to offer breathable Vitamin C in new cars

In a riposte to those who think a reliance on cars is unhealthy, new Nissan models will feature air conditioners that pump breathable vitamin C and stress-reducing seats, the firm said Wednesday.

More than skin deep, tanning product of sun's rays

People who remain pale and never tan can blame their distant ancestors for choosing to live in the northern reaches of the globe and those who easily achieve a deep tan can thank their ancestors for living in the subtropical ...

Orange corn holds promise for reducing blindness, child death

Decreasing or increasing the function of a newly discovered gene in corn may increase vitamin A content and have significant implications for reducing childhood blindness and mortality rates, according to a Purdue University-led ...

Vitamin D supplements could fight Crohn's disease

( -- A new study has found that Vitamin D, readily available in supplements or cod liver oil, can counter the effects of Crohn's disease. John White, an endocrinologist at the Research Institute of the McGill ...

Study: Lizards bask for more than warmth

Keeping warm isn't the only reason lizards and other cold-blooded critters bask in the sun. According to a study published in the May/June issue of Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, chameleons alter their sunbathing ...

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