Parrots do tricks without looking

( -- Ornithologists at the University of Birmingham have discovered that parrots cannot see what they are doing when they carry out the tricky manipulations of objects, for which they are renowned. While parrots ...

Camera-carrying falcons reveal mystery of raptor pursuit

Raptors are the masters of the aerial dogfight. Intercepting prey on the wing, falcons lock their victims in their gaze before engaging in battle. Intrigued by the raptor's attack strategy, Suzanne Amador Kane recruited falconers ...

Video: The Sun reverses its magnetic poles

This visualization shows the position of the sun's magnetic fields from January 1997 to December 2013. The field lines swarm with activity: The magenta lines show where the sun's overall field is negative and the green lines ...

Researchers launch first iPhone field guide using visual search

Columbia University, the University of Maryland and the Smithsonian Institution have pooled their expertise to create the world's first plant identification mobile app using visual search -- Leafsnap. This electronic field ...

'Neurologger' reads bird brains in flight

Using a "neurologger" specially designed to record the brain activity of pigeons in flight, researchers reporting online on June 25th in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, have gained new insight into what goes through ...

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