How to crowdsource your happy space

An online platform aims to use digital crowdsourcing to distil people's positive perceptions of certain London neighbourhoods into the visual and physical aspects that most invoke feelings of happiness or calm – by inviting ...

'Rock Vibe' brings electronic music game to blind

Bridging a divide between sighted and blind gamers, University of California, Santa Cruz graduate Rupa Dhillon has created a version of the musical rhythm "Rock Band" game that everyone can play.

'Neurologger' reads bird brains in flight

Using a "neurologger" specially designed to record the brain activity of pigeons in flight, researchers reporting online on June 25th in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, have gained new insight into what goes through ...

Railroad official asks digital map makers to mark crossings

The federal agency that oversees railroads has asked digital mapping companies to alert drivers as they approach track crossings in the hope that visual and audio cues will lead to greater awareness of potential dangers.

New research reveals how elephants 'see' the world

Think Elephants International, a not-for-profit organization that strives to promote elephant conservation through scientific research, education programming and international collaborations, today announced its latest study, ...

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