Related topics: eye

Animals should use short, fast movements to avoid being located

Most animals need to move, whether this is to seek out food, shelter or a mate. New research has shown that movement doesn't always break camouflage and if an animal needs to move, animals that are unpatterned and use short, ...

Shark and ray vision comes into focus

Vision is a crucial sense for most animals, and vertebrates have evolved a highly adaptable set of opsin genes that generate light-sensitive pigments to decode the retinal image. These opsins include a rod opsin to help see ...

Falcons see prey at speed of Formula 1 car

Extremely acute vision and the ability to rapidly process different visual impressions—these two factors are crucial when a peregrine falcon bears down on its prey at a speed that easily matches that of a Formula 1 racing ...

Oxygen shaped the evolution of the eye

Convergent origins of new mechanisms to supply oxygen to the retina were directly linked to concurrent enhancements in the functional anatomy of the eye.

When space travel is a blur

Canadian scientists are working on a new way to measure the mechanics of the human eye to better identify astronauts at risk of developing ocular damage before they go into space. Collaborating with the Canadian Space Agency ...

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