Terminator-style info-vision takes step towards reality

The streaming of real-time information across your field of vision is a step closer to reality with the development of a prototype contact lens that could potentially provide the wearer with hands-free information updates.

New camouflage technology from BAE hides war machines

(PhysOrg.com) -- BAE Systems says it has a camouflage system that can render battle machines like tanks invisible or even seen as other objects in the immediate environment to protect against attack. The 'cloak' applied to ...

Engineers turn noise into vision

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new technique for revealing images of hidden objects may one day allow pilots to peer through fog and doctors to see more precisely into the human body without surgery.

Context is ev ... well, something, anyway

Today, computers can't reliably identify the objects in digital images. But if they could, they could comb through hours of video for the two or three minutes that a viewer might be interested in, or perform web searches ...

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