Multi-laboratory study sizes up nanoparticle sizing

As a result of a major inter-laboratory study, the standards body ASTM International has been able to update its guidelines for a commonly used technique for measuring the size of nanoparticles in solutions. The study, which ...

Long-standing question about swimming in elastic liquids, answered

A biomechanical experiment conducted at the University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science has answered a long-standing theoretical question: Will microorganisms swim faster or slower in elastic fluids? ...

Researchers demonstrate new MEMS dynamic rheometer (w/ Video)

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have demonstrated a microminiaturized device that can make complex viscosity measurements -- critical data for a wide variety of fields dealing with things ...

A new method for measuring the viscosity of nanoparticles

For the first time, scientists measured the chemical diffusivity and viscosity of atmospheric organic particles, thanks to a new approach from scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, University of Washington, ...

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