Related topics: vaccine

The host makes all the difference

For some people it is a certainty: as soon as the annual flu season gets underway, they are sure to go down with it. It is little comfort to know that there are other people who are apparently resistant to flu or overcome ...

US bird flu case puts chicken, turkey farms on high alert

Farms that raise turkeys and chickens for meat and eggs are on high alert and taking steps to increase biosecurity, fearing a repeat of a widespread bird flu outbreak in 2015 that killed 50 million birds across 15 states ...

How to better understand what makes a virus win during transmission?

Estimating fitness variation among microorganisms, meaning their aptitude to survive and reproduce in given conditions, allows researchers to predict their infection trajectories in single hosts and transmission in host populations. ...

Mathematician proposes model describing virus mutations

A team of specialists in mathematical modeling from the RUDN University suggested a qualitative model of virus evolution and of the occurrence of new strains. The results of the study can make predicting virus behavior more ...

Analyzing genomes to improve disease control in poultry

Marek's disease—a highly contagious viral disease caused by a herpesvirus—is a constant threat to poultry worldwide. It is also one of the most preventable diseases with vaccination. However, while vaccines prevent poultry ...

S. Korea confirms more cases of deadly bird flu

South Korea Wednesday revealed new cases of a deadly strain of bird flu as authorities said they had slaughtered two million chickens and ducks in a bid to control the outbreak.

Q&A: Details about what's next in bird flu response efforts

More than 414,000 turkeys and chickens have been killed, some through a method considered a "last resort" of euthanasia, at 10 southwest Indiana farms affected by a bird flu outbreak. Testing and monitoring will continue ...

Q&A: Details about the latest round of bird flu

In just a few days, a bird flu virus has led to the deaths of more than 400,000 turkeys and chickens on 10 farms in a southwest Indiana county that's the state's largest turkey producer. Here are some questions and answers ...

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