Related topics: vaccine

Mutation breaks HIV's resistance to drugs

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can contain dozens of different mutations, called polymorphisms. In a recent study an international team of researchers, including MU scientists, found that one of those mutations, called ...

Tamiflu Metabolite Found in Sewage Discharge, River Water

( -- In a study published September 28th ahead of print in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health Perspectives, researchers measured oseltamivir carboxylate (OC), the active metabolite of the popular anti-influenza ...

Human nose too cold for bird flu, says new study

( -- Avian influenza viruses do not thrive in humans because the temperature inside a person's nose is too low, according to research published today in the journal PLoS Pathogens. The authors of the study, from ...

Philippines to roll out unproven swine fever vaccine

The Philippines is under global scrutiny as it proceeds with the controlled rollout of an unproven African swine fever (ASF) vaccine from Vietnam amid doubts from experts about its safety and efficacy.

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