Related topics: vaccine

The genetic evolution of Zika virus

An analysis comparing the individual differences between over 40 strains of Zika virus (30 isolated from humans, 10 from mosquitoes, and 1 from monkeys) has identified significant changes in both amino acid and nucleotide ...

Q&A: Details about what's next in bird flu response efforts

More than 414,000 turkeys and chickens have been killed, some through a method considered a "last resort" of euthanasia, at 10 southwest Indiana farms affected by a bird flu outbreak. Testing and monitoring will continue ...

Q&A: Details about the latest round of bird flu

In just a few days, a bird flu virus has led to the deaths of more than 400,000 turkeys and chickens on 10 farms in a southwest Indiana county that's the state's largest turkey producer. Here are some questions and answers ...

Mexican technology saves papaya production by detecting virus

Mexico is considered one of the leading countries in papaya productions, but its crops are usually affected by the virus of the ringed spot, which leaves ring marks in the skin of the fruit and causes softening of the papaya, ...

Hitchhiking virus confirms saga of ancient human migration

A study of the full genetic code of a common human virus offers a dramatic confirmation of the "out-of-Africa" pattern of human migration, which had previously been documented by anthropologists and studies of the human genome.

Research evolves to face rabbit control challenge

The Western Australian Department of Agriculture's invasive species science group is asking residents to help them with their latest research into controlling growing rabbit populations.

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