Mobile, instant diagnosis of viruses

In a first for plant virology, a team from CIRAD recently used nanopore technology to sequence the entire genomes of two yam RNA viruses. This little-used but promising molecular biology technique paves the way for new tools ...

Virtual research institute needed to unlock RNA's promise

A Europe-wide network of labs focusing on RNA research is needed to make the most of RNA's high potential for treating a wide range of diseases. The recommendation for this virtual research institute comes from a panel of ...

Tracking the virus behind India's lumpy skin cattle crisis

In May 2022, cattle across India began dying of a mysterious illness. Since then, about 1,00,000 cows have lost their lives to a devastating outbreak of what scientists have identified as lumpy skin disease. The outbreak ...

Effect of small polyanions on retroviruses

A retrovirus is a virus that inserts a copy of its genome into the DNA of a host cell that it invades, thus changing that cell's genome. Once inside the host cell's cytoplasm, the virus uses its reverse transcriptase enzyme ...

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