Vegetables rotting? Check bacteria conversation

Bacteria "conversation" may be an early trigger for plant pathogens virulence, show scientists from Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia (IGC, Portugal). In a study published now in the open access journal mBio, the research team ...

One Can Act Without Group Support; Even in the Bacterial World

( -- A single bacterium can act alone, performing the same kinds of actions that a group normally does. The behavior of that bacterium can be manipulated at the cellular level. That’s the intriguing finding ...

Disrupting communication in infectious bacteria

Chemists in Konstanz have inhibited the biosynthesis of a bacterial signal and, as a result, blocked the infectious properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the most common germ found in health care facilities.

FIC proteins send bacteria into hibernation

Bacteria do not cease to amaze us with their survival strategies. A research team from the University of Basel's Biozentrum has now discovered how bacteria enter a sleep mode using a so-called FIC toxin. In the current issue ...

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