Proteins enable essential enzyme to maintain its grip on DNA

Scientists have identified a family of proteins that close a critical gap in an enzyme that is essential to all life, allowing the enzyme to maintain its grip on DNA and start the activation of genes.

Bad Bacteria and Their Harmless Kin Share, Swap Genes

( -- Comparing the genomes of disease-causing and harmless bacteria, University of Arizona microbiologists found no clear genetic demarcation between the two groups. The bacteria have swapped genes in the past, ...

Surprising infection inducing mechanism found in bacteria

A research appearing in Nature, with the participation of doctors Susana Campoy and Jordi Barbé from the Department of Genetics and Microbiology at UAB, Spain, demonstrates that bacteria have a surprising mechanism ...

New research study to shed light on emerging seaborne pathogen

A new research study at the University of Delaware seeks to determine why Vibrio parahaemolyticus, a microorganism that lives in seawater and is related to the bacterium that causes cholera, is expanding its range and virulence.

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