Beyond Google Glass: Researcher looks to the future

( —A wearable display being developed by UA optical scientist Hong Hua could have capabilities even more advanced than those of the recently unveiled Google Glass, a pair of glasses with smartphone capabilities.

Q&A: A documentarian working in virtual reality

Forget 3-D glasses. Oscar-nominated documentarian Danfung Dennis believes the next evolution in filmmaking will be to surround viewers with images in 360 degrees—directly on their noggins.

Orbital to launch cargo to space station Tuesday

A rocket packed with food and supplies for the astronauts living at the International Space Station is scheduled to blast off Tuesday from a NASA launch pad.

Astronomers capture formation of a powerful cosmic jet

Using a network of radio telescopes on Earth and in space, astronomers have captured the most detailed view ever of a jet of plasma from a supermassive black hole. The jet travels at nearly the speed of light and shows complex, ...

Rebuilding the world one pixel at a time

Who says Rome wasn't built in a day? With the muscle of about 500 computers and 150,000 still images, Steve Seitz, a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington's Seattle ...

Putting gamers on the spot with virtual-reality goggles

Strap on the headset and adjust the goggle to your eyes. Look down and you'll see the floor of a space station. Look up and pipes weave above your head. Turn left or right and the tight walls of a dark corridor flank your ...

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