Modifying a virtual environment in just a few clicks

Creating and modifying a virtual reality environment just got a lot easier thanks to software being released today by Imverse, an EPFL spin-off. The secret behind Imverse's program, which works much like a photo editor, is ...

Using virtual reality to plot urban green spaces

City dwellers who are weary of the concrete jungle often seek out a bit of nature. Whether they visit an urban park or find a small green space, residents can gain a host of benefits. Research in environmental psychology ...

Using technology to detect hidden threats

Soldiers in combat have to constantly scan their surroundings for improvised explosive devices (IEDs), a signature weapon of modern warfare. These homemade bombs are often hidden—nestled in bushes, buried underground, or ...

Fitness system creates virtual avatars in 10 minutes

Avatars—virtual persons—are a core element of ICSpace, a virtual fitness and movement environment at Bielefeld University's Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC). The system makes it possible ...

Using virtual reality to advance physical therapy

Northeastern's Danielle Levac develops video games to make physical therapy more fun, motivating, and rewarding for patients—especially for children with movement impairments, such as those with cerebral palsy.

Sight set on tracking threatened species

Ever wanted to track a rock wallaby in the rugged Australian bush or watch an orangutan swing past you in the wild jungles of Borneo but without the dangers of being there?

Computer scientists introduce new graphics software

Computer scientists from the University of Massachusetts Amherst led by Evangelos Kalogerakis today unveiled a new software modeling program that uses sophisticated geometric matching and machine learning to successfully ...

Playing a video game using thoughts

The start-up MindMaze has opened up a new dimension in the world of video games: moving with thoughts through a virtual environment or even directly interacting through certain emotions. Introduced earlier this month at the ...

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