GeoFlow takes data for a 3-D drive

In November, during the SharePoint Conference 2012, attendees received a Public Preview of project codename "GeoFlow" for Excel, the latest business-intelligence (BI) functionality to be integrated with Microsoft Excel 2013 ...

Researchers examine online networks used to recruit terrorists

"Lone wolf" terrorists—individuals with no apparent ties to known extremist networks or conspiracies—have inflicted casualties in recent years and have drawn increasing attention from the law enforcement community. According ...

GravitySpace shows how floors will smarten up (w/ video)

(—Year of the smartphone? So yesterday. Year of the smart room? So promising. In scientific circles, conversations are moving down from smart doors, fridges, stoves, and toilets, as computer scientists visit and ...

Pope on social networking: the virtual is real

(AP)—Pope Benedict XVI put church leaders on notice Thursday, saying social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter aren't a virtual world they can ignore, but rather a very real world they must engage if they want to ...

Virtual women reveal more skin, regardless of body proportions

In the virtual world of Second Life, female avatars expose substantially more skin than males, independent of their virtual body proportions, according to research published December 26 in the open access journal PLOS ONE ...

Can post-breakup Facebook surveillance delay emotional recovery?

More than 900 million people worldwide are active users of the social networking site Facebook, and it is estimated that as many as one-third report using Facebook to check on the activities of former romantic partners. The ...

Invisible computing comes to Asia tech expo

A robotic cook, a colouring book that comes to virtual life and movies that read your mind are some of the innovations on show at a cutting-edge computer technology exhibition in Hong Kong this week.

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