A troubling reaction to school violence compounds the crisis

High school students who experience violence or bullying at school are more likely to bring weapons like a gun, knife, or club to school than those who have not experienced violence, according to a new study in the American ...

Survey finds alarming trend toward political violence in the US

A new report published as a preprint on medRxiv.org from researchers at the UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program (VPRP) reveals alarming trends in attitudes toward violence, including political violence, in the United ...

Can we avert the next mass shooting? Yes, and here's how

This week's tragic shooting in Uvalde, Texas, marked the 213th mass shooting and the 27th school shooting thus far this year. That's just seven fewer school shootings than in all of 2021 and more than in 2018, 2019 or 2020.

Conflict-related sexual violence needs urgent action

Russia's war in Ukraine has displaced millions of people, most of them women and children. This mounting crisis suggests that conflict-related sexual violence, which has been reported in Ukraine, requires urgent action, say ...

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