Machines can help wine grape industry survive labor shortage

Wine grape growers in California and elsewhere face increasing labor costs and severe labor shortages, making it difficult to manage and harvest a vineyard while maintaining profitability. Growers are increasingly turning ...

Geology and grapes a winning pair

About 150 years after grapes were first cultivated on a small strip of Pelee Island, vineyards now cover two-thirds of the island and have become its major agricultural enterprise.

Image: The Persian Gulf

The Copernicus Sentinel-3A satellite takes us over the Gulf. Also known as the Arabian Gulf and the Persian Gulf, this marginal sea of the Indian Ocean is just under 1000 km long and covers an area of around 250 000 sq km. ...

Robot created to monitor key wine vineyard parameters

Grapes must be picked at the exact point of maturation, and its plant must have the appropriate intake of water during development so that the wine ends up with desired properties. Controlling those parameters is complicated ...

Now wine lovers need to know about geology – or do they?

"Soil, not grapes, is the latest must-know when choosing a wine," Bloomberg has proclaimed. Meanwhile, wine writer Alice Feiring has published a book. which helps drinkers choose their tipple by "looking at the source: the ...

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