Saxon queen discovered in Germany

( -- Remains of one of the oldest members of the English royal family have been unearthed at Magdeburg Cathedral in Germany. The preliminary findings will be announced at a conference at the University of Bristol ...

Has one of Harald Bluetooth's fortresses come to light?

In September 2014, archaeologists from the Danish Castle Centre and Aarhus University announced the discovery of a Viking fortress in a field belonging to Vallø Manor, located west of Køge on the east coast of Sealand. ...

Bolivia's eco-friendly trans-oceanic ships

The Limachi family specializes in building eco-friendly reed ships at this shipyard on the top of the world with pre-Columbian technology. But don't be fooled—these ships can sail across vast oceans.

30-Year-Old 3-D movie made from viking data gets new life

Back in 1979, scientists at Stanford University created a 3-D movie from images sent back by the Viking landers on Mars. It was rather novel in that, while 3-D movies had been around since the 1950′s — mostly for ...

Curiosity's search for organics

Soon the rover Curiosity will land on Mars. By design it won't involve life-detection, but it was assembled to look for the carbon-based building blocks of Martian life and to explore the possible habitats where life might ...

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