Video: NASA's Webb 'strutting its stuff'

The newest video in the "Behind the Webb" series, called "Strutting its Stuff," provides a look at three "struts" or poles that fold and unfold the secondary mirror on the James Webb Space Telescope. The video series takes ...

Canada's 'dynamic duo' for Webb telescope

( -- A "Dynamic Duo" from Canada is the latest topic of the "Behind the Webb" series of videos, which goes behind the scenes to highlight technology in NASA's James Webb Space Telescope.

Disney comes to YouTube

Disney films were available for rent on YouTube on Wednesday in the latest bid by the Google-owned website to transform into an online stage for the gamut of digital video content.

YouTube, Disney teaming up

YouTube and The Walt Disney Co. announced on Monday they are teaming up to produce an original video series and feature "family-friendly" Disney programming on the popular video-sharing site.

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