Lazy ants make themselves useful in unexpected ways

If the first thing that comes to mind when you think about ants is "industrious," you might be in for a surprise. In 2015, biologists at the University of Arizona reported that a sizable chunk of the "workers" that make up ...

Internet-connected 'smart' devices are dunces about security

These days, it's possible to use your phone—and sometimes just your voice—to control everything from your TV to your lights, your thermostat and shades, even your car or medical device. (At least, once you have gadgets ...

In world of internet-enabled things, US says security needed

The Obama administration urged companies on Tuesday to make millions of devices safe from hacking, underscoring the risks posed by an increasingly bewildering array of internet-connected products permeating daily life, covering ...

As streaming booms, audio overtakes video in US

Americans have for the first time streamed more music on audio services such as Spotify than through videos, in a welcome shift for the industry, a study said Tuesday.

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