Intel readying to take on Kinect with 3D depth cameras

( —Anil Nanduri, director of perceptual products and solutions at Intel has revealed to IDG News that the company is hard at work developing camera systems that will not only replicate what users have come to expect ...

Sony unveils social-focused PlayStation 4

Sony is sharing the PlayStation 4 with the world. The Japanese electronics giant unveiled the new gaming system Wednesday, hyping the machine as a "supercharged PC" with the ability to effortlessly share interactive experiences, ...

Microsoft might talk tablets and TV on Monday

Microsoft promised to make a "major" announcement on Monday that started the Internet buzzing with talk that it would involve taking on Apple iPad with tablets running on Windows software.

While consoles slug it out, mobiles games zip in

The big three game console makers brought their latest kick-ass wares to the industry's annual get-together this week, but some question their future amid an explosion of super-nimble mobile gaming.

The guerilla roots of the Skype calling service

In buying Skype, Microsoft is getting one of the rare companies that has turned its name into a verb, like Xerox or Google. "Let's Skype" is a phrase understandable, with slight translation, in much of the world.

Game companies ready to show new ways to play

(AP) -- Video game makers are about to try to convince you that fancy 3-D screens, gesture-recognition cameras and ultra-sensitive motion controllers topped with brightly glowing spheres are what you need to have a good ...

Wal-Mart buys online movie company Vudu

US retail giant Wal-Mart plunged into the online video market on Monday with the purchase of Vudu, a company which delivers movies to Internet-enabled television sets and Blu-ray players.

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