Court revives Viacom copyright suit against YouTube

A US appeals court on Thursday revived a billion-dollar lawsuit filed by entertainment giant Viacom accusing Google-owned website YouTube of knowingly profiting from pirated video clips.

Netflix strikes movie deal with Weinstein Co.

(AP) -- Netflix has locked up the right to show "The Artist" and other movies from The Weinstein Co. on its Internet video service before the films are released to the leading pay-TV channels.

Pros dominate YouTube greatest hits in 2012

"Gangnam Style" topped YouTube's list of the most attention-grabbing videos this year, as other professionally produced works outshined the amateur clips that had originally made the website famous.

Gaps in Netflix's online library likely to persist

(AP) -- Peruse Netflix's catalog of DVDs, and you'll find just about any movie or TV series you want. Look for many of the same titles in Netflix's Internet video library, and prepare to be exasperated.

Netflix strikes movie deal with Weinstein Co.

(AP)—Netflix says it's reached a multi-year agreement with The Weinstein Co. that will give it the exclusive streaming rights to the company's first-run films starting in 2016.

Chinese video websites in court as industry grows

(AP) -- China's two biggest video websites are fighting in court over accusations they are misusing each other's programming as rivalry heats up in an industry that is luring viewers from bland state TV.

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