Wireless, cable companies can't rest on their networks

Think of your car as a smartphone on four wheels. Or your smartphone as a wallet. Or your home as a connected network center where thermostats, video cameras, lights and televisions all "talk" to each other. That "talking" ...

Review: TLC200 simplifies time-lapse videos

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." Or so says Ferris Bueller. If you'd like to keep track of life and play it back at your leisure, you're probably a fan of time-lapse ...

Biologist gets a squid's eye view (w/ video)

(Phys.org) —Pursuing the misunderstood Humboldt squid, Hopkins Marine Station's William Gilly has strapped video cameras and electronic sensors to the animals, exhaustively analyzed their habitats, tracked them with sonar ...

Development of handy fuel cell system

Researchers at AIST, Japan, have developed a handy, portable fuel cell system. While the developed system employs microtubular solid oxide fuel cells (microtubular SOFCs), a nanostructure-controlled electrode has enabled ...

Canon develops 35 mm full-frame CMOS sensor for video capture

Canon announced today that the company has successfully developed a high-sensitivity 35 mm full-frame CMOS sensor exclusively for video recording. Delivering high-sensitivity, low-noise imaging performance, the new Canon ...

Pixels guide the way for the visually impaired

(Phys.org)—Images have been transformed into pixels and projected onto a headset to help the visually impaired in everyday tasks such as navigation, route-planning and object finding.

Targeted video surveillance in the soccer stadium

At the end of 2012 the German Soccer League's paper on safety was adopted. It envisages, among other things, improving video surveillance in stadiums. The second-generation Vigilant Eye System can help achieve this aim. This ...

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