Engineering team invents a camera that powers itself

A research team led by Shree K. Nayar, T.C. Chang Professor of Computer Science at Columbia Engineering, has invented a prototype video camera that is the first to be fully self-powered—it can produce an image each second, ...

How do you feel? Video of your face may tell all

Rice University researchers are developing a highly accurate, touch-free system that uses a video camera to monitor patients' vital signs just by looking at their faces. The technique isn't new, but engineering researchers ...

Light that adapts to your needs through the eye of a camera

EPFL researchers have developed a camera that sees like the human eye, providing clues about the sensation of visual comfort. The instrument could optimize natural and artificial lighting to constantly adapt to the needs ...

Lower-cost navigation system developed for self-driving cars

A new software system developed at the University of Michigan uses video game technology to help solve one of the most daunting hurdles facing self-driving and automated cars—the high cost of the laser scanners they use ...

Apple camera patent gives GoPro stock jitters

Apple has patented a new design for a digital video camera that could potentially compete with the rugged portable cameras made by GoPro, a move that sent GoPro's stock tumbling.

The enduring appeal of analogue in a digital world

Everyday objects with network connections that can collect and share data or be remotely controlled – the Internet of Things (IoT) – promise to transform the way we interact with the world around us by fusing the physical ...

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