A security camera with no strings attached

We'd all sleep better knowing our homes were covered by video cameras. A video camera would also be handy so you could know whether your dog is sleeping on the couch when you're training her to stay off the furniture.

Surprise meteor shower on New Year's Eve

A new network of video surveillance cameras in New Zealand has detected a surprise meteor shower on New Year's Eve. The shower is called the Volantids, named after the constellation Volans, the flying fish, from which the ...

The Fred and Ginger of the finch world (w/ Video)

A monogamous African songbird performs a tap dance so fast it is invisible to the human eye, in an elaborate courtship ritual with steps for both partners, scientists said Thursday.

Bat species found to have tongue pump to pull in nectar

(Phys.org)—A trio of researchers affiliated with the University of Ulm in Germany and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama has found that one species of bat has a method of collecting nectar that has never ...

Heists go Hollywood with DefCon hacks

Hollywood-style heists took on real-world potential as hackers at a Def Con gathering showed how to crack safes in full view of security cameras without ever being seen.

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