Zooming in to catch the bad guys

It's a frequent scene in television crime dramas: Clever police technicians zoom in on a security camera video to read a license plate or capture the face of a hold-up artist. But in real life, enhancing this low-quality ...

DARPA advances video analysis tools

A massive amount of data from video sensors is collected in theater, and there aren’t enough analysts or time available to review. Reducing the amount of data or the number of sensors isn’t the answer, and there ...

Taking the bite out of baseball bats

Miss hitting the "sweet spot" on a baseball bat and the resulting vibrations can zing your hands. Bat companies have tried for decades to reduce these painful shocks with limited success. But Daniel Russell, a professor in ...

The impressive aerial maneuvers of the pea aphid

You might not think much about pea aphids, but it turns out they've got skills enough to get aerospace engineers excited. A report in the February 4th issue of Current Biology shows that the insects can free fall from the ...

Sony CEO apologizes for massive data breach

(AP) -- Sony Corp. Chief Executive Howard Stringer apologized for "inconvenience and concern" caused by the security breach that compromised personal data from more than 100 million online gaming accounts.

Targeted video surveillance in the soccer stadium

At the end of 2012 the German Soccer League's paper on safety was adopted. It envisages, among other things, improving video surveillance in stadiums. The second-generation Vigilant Eye System can help achieve this aim. This ...

Why do sharks dive?

Is it to regulate their body temperature? Conserve energy? Find food?

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