Knowledge gap undermines position of foreign women in UK custody

Researchers from the Institute of Criminology reveal that many women trafficked into the UK who commit crime under duress are imprisoned without support or protection, and call for improved ways to identify the victims among ...

Restorative justice helps victims, cuts crime

A major new international study has backed pioneering work by The Australian National University (ANU) into restorative justice, finding criminals are less likely to re-offend after meeting their victims face to face.

Campus police officers' role in sex assault cases

With high rates of sexual assault at colleges and universities, campus law enforcement officers are important facets of a campus' response to this crime. The Crime Victims' Institute at Sam Houston State University recognizes ...

DNA software for international detective work

Interpol is going to use software based on research by Radboud University Nijmegen and marketed by spin-off company SMART Research BV. The program, called Bonaparte, is able to identify people from their relatives' DNA.

Clot-dissolving bubbles to treat strokes?

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers are using computer simulations to investigate how ultrasound and tiny bubbles injected into the bloodstream might break up blood clots, limiting the damage caused by a stroke in its first hours.

Dating violence impedes victims' earnings

Dating violence in adolescence not only takes a physical and emotional toll on young women, it also leads to less education and lower earnings later in life, according to a first-of-its-kind study led by a Michigan State ...

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