Bird buffet requires surveillance

The behaviour of semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) feeding during low tide in the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, surprised Guy Beauchamp, an ornithologist and research officer at the University of Montreal's Faculty ...

A feline fungus joins the new species list

( —A new species of fungus that causes life-threatening infections in humans and cats has been discovered by a University of Sydney researcher.

Researchers discover sperm move along a 'twisting ribbon'

( —Opening the door to more sophisticated investigation of sperm locomotion and biophysics, researchers from UCLA's Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science have identified previously unobserved ...

Ancient genes may explain modern threat to Tasmanian devils

(—Tasmanian devils had low immune gene diversity for hundreds, and possibly thousands, of years before the emergence of Devil Facial Tumour Disease, researchers at the University of Sydney and University of Adelaide ...

Scientists put a pox on dog cancer

Researchers report that myxoma – a pox virus that afflicts rabbits but not humans, dogs or any other vertebrates so far studied – infects several different types of canine cancer cells in cell culture while sparing healthy ...

Condor lead poisoning persists, impeding recovery

The California condor is chronically endangered by lead exposure from ammunition and requires ongoing human intervention for population stability and growth, according to a new study led by the University of California, Santa ...

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