Related topics: silicon valley

Investors drawn to exploding social media

For every powerhouse like Google, there are dozens of Internet companies that flop. Still, a decade after the dot-com bubble that burst, there is no shortage of investors trying to get a piece of the next online blockbuster.

Venture-cap investments decline 7 percent in 3Q

(AP) -- Venture capitalists poured less money into U.S. startups in the third quarter and split this among more companies, signaling that investors are trying to be more economical with their funds.

Venture-cap investments climb 53 pct in 2Q

(AP) -- Venture capitalists funneled more money into U.S. startups in the second quarter, indicating continuing confidence that the economy is on the mend.

Political fundraising tool taps social networks

(AP) -- Candidates in some top political races are raising big sums of money using software that taps donors' social networks, an endeavor that lets the donors track their friends' donations with the zeal a fantasy baseball ...

Concentration of entrepreneurs no accident, says U of T professor

( -- Why do entrepreneurs flock to startup meccas like the Silicon Valley or Boston? A recent working paper shows that density or thickness of local input markets translates into faster productivity and higher ...

CEOs try to predict who'll win tomorrow's tech race

It seems every major tech giant is celebrating a landmark birthday these days. This year, it's been Microsoft (35), Cisco Systems (25) and Yahoo (15). Next year, IBM turns a century old, and Apple hits 35.

IBM nurturing nascent technology startups

IBM on Wednesday launched a Global Entrepreneur initiative aimed at helping fledgling startups devoted to putting new technologies to work for traditional business or government operations.

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