Planet spotting

The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia counted 548 confirmed extrasolar planets at 6 May 2011, while the NASA Star and Exoplanet Database (updated weekly) was today reporting 535. These are confirmed findings and the counts ...

Explained: Linear and nonlinear systems

Much scientific research across a range of disciplines tries to find linear approximations of nonlinear behaviors. But what does that mean?

Rosetta probe lined up nicely for Earth approach

( -- Following the first and primary trajectory correction manoeuvre 22 October, Rosetta is lined up nicely for the approach to Earth. The manoeuvre provided an 8.8 cm/s change in orbital velocity and the thruster ...

Predicting the future landscape of a river

Climate change is changing the environmental condition of rivers; hence, it is no longer possible to manage modern rivers with methods that have been practiced under the past environmental conditions.

New instrument joins the hunt for Earth-like planets

A ground-breaking $3.8 million instrument, used by astronomers to discover and study Earth-like planets, has been launched by a team from UNSW Sydney, The Australian National University (ANU) and Australian Astronomical Optics ...

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