Study develops a model enhancing particle beam efficiency

The use of particle accelerators is not confined to basic research in high-energy physics. Large-scale accelerators and gigantic instruments such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are used for this purpose, but relatively ...

Seeing all the colors of the plasma wind

When it comes to plasma winds in a tokamak, researchers are always looking for the Goldilocks solution—one that is just right. Winds that are too high or too low can reduce plasma efficiency. Researchers at the DIII-D National ...

Rapid detection and recovery—the science of hunting meteorites

At 8:10 p.m. on Jan. 16, hundreds of people in Michigan reported the bright glow of a meteor streaking through the sky, rattling windows as it broke the sound barrier. The meteor then broke apart in the Earth's atmosphere, ...

The underground effects of earthquakes and volcanoes

Most of what we know about earthquakes and volcanoes is based on what we can observe at the Earth's surface. However, most of the action, especially early activity that could help with disaster prediction and preparedness, ...

Researchers study human movement to build better robots

Draw a figure eight in the air. It might feel like one swift movement. But in fact, the velocity of your hand and arm likely varies, traveling faster through the straight parts and slowing down during the curves.

Precision measurements of exoplanet velocities

The search for exoplanets via the radial velocity technique has been underway for nearly thirty years, measuring the wobbles in a star's motion caused by the presence of orbiting bodies. The method has been very successful ...

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